Not Recommended List

In an effort to spare others from wasting their time and money on poor performing optics I’ve started this not recommended list, also known as the Hall of Shame. is a private, independent, non-commercial website project. I do not use Google advertising, do not use pop-up windows to capture email, and we never use amazon links to make commission from equipment sales based on equipment reviews.

Admon 105mm f/2.8 model 918 lens
Lens Type:
Line Scan
Magnification tested: 1.55x
Issue(s): strong pink and green chromatic aberrations
Price paid: $25
Notes: had high hopes for this great looking lens but it appears to be designed for a wavelength range other than visible.
Link for more info:


Presentation Technologies Montage FR1 50mm f/4 (47mm f/4.2) (also sold by Lasergraphics)
Lens Type:
Digital Film Recorder
Magnification tested: 2.4x - 3.5x (in reverse)
Issue(s): Some of highest chromatic aberration and fringing levels seen in a lens tested here at the office
Price paid: $29
Notes: this lens also used by Lasergraphics, deserves some kind of award for exceptionally bad image quality, and to think I paid good money for this lens! This 50mm f/4 lens was also in some Lasergraphics standard SmartBack LFR models.
Link for more info:


Noritsu Zoom NC3x-15.6x H018070
Lens Type:
sold as a printing lens but my theory is that this is video projection lens.
Magnification tested: infinity, 5x, and 0.25x, normal and reverse.
Issue(s): overall poor IQ, and poor CA control.
Price paid: $3.93
Link for more info:

Noritsu 124mm f/21 Z902703 135F 2UP 62mm x 39mm (2.5in x 3.5in)
Lens Type:
Minilab printing machine lens for enlarging 35mm film to 2-1/2 to 3-1/2 inch prints.
Magnification tested: 1.4x - 1.6x normal and reversed
Issue(s): soft image due to the f/50 effective aperture.
Price paid: $7.50 + shipping
Link for more info: